Friday, December 26, 2008

GENETIC IMPRINTS -the photos - the book

Genetic Imprints :: Muse of the Image

The image comes first. In the beginning; before there was language there
 was a non-verbal way of comprehending the world.   
There was the image  -  now except in our dreams we tend to translate images to words.  

Now after I made these images I am trying to find words and it comes to mind that these photos these images of women and animal skulls are more about something from our deep past - from deep back to the time of the ice.

I have read recently,  the idea that back at the time of our emergence that the female,  that woman, was more than a fertility deity, more than mother, she was also the first practitioner of medicine, and magic that in fact she was Creator.  Back in our stone age emergence God was female and this still imprints our genetic codes. 

I find these images in my studio, first with my outer eye and then my inner eye takes over influenced by genetic memories deep in my DNA.   These are the genetic imprints.  The image come first.   I see it in front of me  -  a woman holding an animal skull.   I   believe I suggest to the model, “this is about life not death”.  She works with some direction at first but soon it seems to me that as she carries and caresses her animal totem she become soul carried and spirit guide.   

I respond to this by submitting myself to the model, and all I do is records what she offers, 

we become collaborators as we respond to our Genetic Imprints.

 See my Book "Genetic Imprints" at Book Blurb

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Route 66 - Road Trip

Route 66.  
 The legendary Highway runs through my town of Flagstaff AZ - just a block south of my studio.  Brandi and I did an overnight trip between Flagstaff and Holbrook AZ .  
Ninety miles there and back. 

We filled the back of my Honda CRV with props and drove - and pulled off the road to make photos when ever the location and light compelled us to stop.

We stopped ate curio shops, that corner in Winslow AZ, La Posada Hotel , Jack Rabbit, Holbrook, slept at the Wigwam Motel.

Picture. Picture. Picture. Play. Play. Play.

See more of Brandi at [link]

Models - email me at if you want to do a road trip.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A thick two inch nylon rope hangs from the ceiling of my studio.   A prop for Natalie to work with.   She works as I work, we work together to make photos that have sensual power.

Go to my website for more.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I work with Native americans a lot.  Have for the last 40 + years.   I made these photos 30 years ago out on the Navajo Reservation.  Shot on film. processed in my darkroom, printed there, and scanned 30 years later.    I worked the scans in photoshop and layered them on scanned antiqued paper.   They are displayed in one of the galleries in front of my studio.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I want to share a really powerful series with you.  The remarkable model Natalia
 in my Flagstaff AZ studio three years ago.

See more at my website:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Creative Play.  Two Great models.  Studio fun.

Who is bound ?  Natalia ?  Kaylee ?  Or Me ??

I think it is me - the photographer - submitting to my subjects.

See more at
If you'd want to model for me send me an email at